Gathering 200 the most inspirational christian blogs of 2020 / comment your blog …

For any blogger who needs to know about this list.

You Are Awesome

The next following days , I am going to gather 200 the most inspirational christian blogs of 2020.

I believe by heart that most of you and your blog are the most inspiring. Can you please comment your blog in the comment that I will check it out personally and add you in the final list.

I am going to publish it in a seperate post here in this blog that everyone can check your blog out. If your blog is a Christian based and inspiring people, please let me know in the comment. If you know other blogs please let them know to register here.

Don’t just come and go , comment your blog below with a small description of whats your blog about. I love you be in the final list.

I am waiting to see all amazing , inspiring blogs here … let’s get started

Much Love

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13 Comments Add yours

  1. I don’t know if my blog could be considered a Christian blog.

    It is influenced by a Christian world view.

    And my writing has been influenced by C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien’s fictional works where supernatural creatures of folklore such as elves, leprechauns, mermaids, fauns, satyrs and centaurs occasionally roam the landscape.

    There was a 19th Century Church of England clergyman and prolific writer of books (both novels and non-fiction) named Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould (he wrote the hymn Onward Christian Soldiers) who included vampires and werewolves (and other creatures who appeared in Slavic and Eastern Europe folkore) in some of his novels.

    His writing also influenced mine.

    So while my blog is not an overtly Christian blog, ultimately a Christian worldview influences the background of it such as in the writings of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould.

    1. muktimasih says:

      Hi I am pretty sure it qualifies. Listen could you copy-paste this to the original post here? I just reblogged another blogger’s post for shout-out. Please do copy-paste your above comment below this link –

  2. you’re doing something helpful and beneficial to many Mukti. Be blessed.

    1. muktimasih says:

      Thanks a lot Sophia. I hope I am.

  3. Wao you are great Mukti such a beautiful way to make garland of positivity…Happy to connect
    Stay safe happy healthy and wealthy

  4. #hhhigh says:

    Beautiful Mukti , Thanks for re-blogging , I am updating my list accordingly and the list will be published in December. I am so blessed with many friends like you. Take care and stay safe πŸ™‚

  5. Ray says:

    ALL should be altruistic in Christ!

  6. Don Davies says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this. Recently, I’ve been on the look out for the best Christian books and blogs. I’ve been confined in my house for a long time before the vaccine and I’ve been reading books by Keion Henderson, and have also been actively reading blogs like this. Thank you so much!

    1. muktimasih says:

      Pleasure. Thanks for sharing the link, I will check it out.

  7. Matthew says:

    Your enthusiasm for inspiring content shines through your words! I’m truly touched by the passion you have for uplifting others through your blog. As someone who deeply values inspiration and motivation, I would love to check out your blog personally. It’s heartening to see individuals like you dedicating their platforms to spreading positivity and encouragement.

    My blog, [Your Blog’s Name], focuses on [Brief Description of Your Blog’s Content]. I strive to [Mention Your Blog’s Goal or Purpose]. I believe it aligns well with the spirit of your call for Christian-based and inspiring content.

    Thank you for the opportunity to share, and I look forward to being a part of your final list.

    Warm regards,

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