Love in the time of startups!

One more time a beautiful survival story that she read in the paper moved her to tears, and made her stomach ache so bad. She noticed the wrinkles on her hand suddenly as she held the glass of water. The fluid burnt her throat as it gushed down her spine. It was this 15-year old…

The hospital canteen sequence

Things do happen. The details around which you weave several fictitious sequences of life. It doesn’t have to be a beautiful place. Sometimes it’s a hospital canteen where they serve this amazing Chai Special. The smells of antibiotics make each sip heavenly. There’s a waiter who looks across from the serving desk. He bends a…

Touched by blood

She knew at once. She had touched the corner of his cloak in a swift movement. He had turned around, astonished. A cool audacious breeze blew sand and brushed her curly tresses. Most people shielded their eyes. She caught the dance of the palm leaves above her. Yet her world had seized in that moment….


JENNA had made them angry again. Suddenly there was silence as they all shot her a furious look. A strand of hair flung across her face, her eyes dripping of arrogance. A dab of blue ink made an erratic shape near the front pocket of her white shirt. As she looked down at her canvas…

Of drizzles and downpours

He saw her as Athena inside Parthenon that stands on a rock smugly looking down. She was the symbol of reign, a protector, a force still unfathomable to human. The temple illuminated his world as he lifted up his eyes. His feet froze in praise. She was the Aphrodite of his nights that blessed him…

Favourite Dreams

“It started out as a feeling, which then turned into a hope, Which then grew into a quiet thought, which then turned into a quiet word.” They are the ones that you don’t expect to get fulfilled. They are your favourite dreams. She had plenty of them. She had a little antique wooden box at…

The god-maker

An atheist is a half-hearted theist. His father’s last words were written all over the dark sky as his own body lay in a pool of blood beneath a pile of ashes. And despite the pain, all he wanted sorely was this one last wish. He was prepared for the end. Almost. What about a…

The Celebration

She adjusted her goggle gingerly so nobody could notice what she didn’t want them to. Suddenly self-conscious, she rubbed her hands on her jeans to wipe off the perspiration. In her frenzy, she had completely forgotten to carry a handkerchief. Everything around her favourite coffee house looked jittery today. What if he doesn’t find her…